Tasks of the Rectorate
The Rectorate and the Rector are two of the four senior governing bodies of the University of Vienna pursuant to the 2002 Universities Act.
The Rectorate has, in particular, the following duties:
- management of the University of Vienna, representation of the University of Vienna
- organisation, Development Plan: preparation of an Organisation Plan and Development Plan for submission to the Senate and the University Board, appointment of the heads of organisational units, conclusion of target agreements with the heads of organisational units, assignment of university members to organisational units, approving regulations for granting authorisations to employees of the University to make legal transactions on behalf of the University according to section 28, para. 1 of the 2002 Universities Act
- statutes: preparation of draft statutes for submission to the Senate
- performance agreements: preparation of a performance agreement draft for submission to the University Board
- educational affairs: handling of student admissions, organisation of the collection of tuition fees in the amount prescribed by law, deciding on all matters with regard to educational programmes and curricula
- authorisation to teach: awarding authorisations to teach (veniae docendi) based on the decision of the habilitation committee established by the Senate
- human resources management: public advertisement of vacant positions
- research and teaching evaluations: initiating evaluations and publication of the results thereof
- finances: establishment of an accounting and reporting system, drafting an estimated budget as information for the Senate as well as for approval by the University Board, making budget allocations, conducting and managing the financial affairs of the University, preparing the financial statements
- intellectual capital report including the performance report: drafting the annual intellectual capital report including a report on the basis of the performance agreement
- rejection of unlawful decisions made by other bodies, setting of deadlines and substitute performance in case of default by other bodies
- all other matters that are not expressly assigned to another body
The Rector has the following duties:
- presiding over the meetings of the Rectorate and acting as its spokesperson
- nominating candidates for election as vice-rectors
- Head of the University Office
- negotiating and concluding performance agreements with the Federal Minister and disclosure of this information to the University Board
- acting as superior of the entire university staff
- appointing peer reviewers for appointment procedures of university professors
- selecting professors from shortlists drawn up by the appointment committees
- conducting professorial appointment negotiations
- concluding employment and service contracts
- awarding authorisations to employees of the University to make legal transactions on behalf of the University according to section 28, para. 1 of the 2002 Universities Act
Furthermore, the Rector assumes responsibilities of the Rectorate pursuant to its rules of procedure.
The term of office of the Rector lasts four years (1 October 2012 until 30 September 2026). The term of office of the Rectorate corresponds to the term of office of the Rector.