University of Vienna

Organisation Plan

The Organisation Plan regulates the structure of the organisational units at the University of Vienna and the tasks of the associated persons responsible. The 2002 Universities Act specifies the general requirements regarding the organisational structure of Austrian universities. Upon proposal of the Rectorate and following consent by the Senate, the Organisation Plan is approved by the University Board.

The current Organisation Plan builds on the strengths of the Organisation Plan approved in March 2004, which were positively acknowledged in an evaluation that took place in 2011. On 1 January 2013 the University of Vienna's new Organisation Plan entered into force. Further amendments entered into force as per 1 January 2016, 1 March 2019, 1 May 2021, 1 January 2024 and 1 June 2024.

Further developments and improvements have especially been made in the following sectors:

  • information and participation by extending the faculty conferences' information rights and their right to give an opinion; regulations for the information flow and interaction between the faculties and subunits
  • more precise definition of the procedure and framework conditions concerning the establishment of research platforms; possibility to establish research and/or teaching networks
  • clear definition of responsibilities in the field of teaching within the leadership team of the faculty/centre
  • establishment of the Centre for Teacher Education as a new academic organisational unit: creating one central unit for all matters concerning teacher education

Organisational structure

University of Vienna

Organisation Plan as per 1 June 2024

University of Vienna

Evaluation of the Organisation Plan